Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What a ride

So, Evelyn is 3 weeks old now, and I thought I'd throw something up here quick. My recovery has been up and down, and we are adjusting to life as a family of 5 slowly. Morrigan is having some issues with not being the baby anymore, and Wesley has begun to behave not very nicely towards Morrigan. Aside from those two things, We're transitioning. Cloth diapering has gone wonderfully, and breastfeeding has been uneventful.
Tod's been great with taking Wesley in the mornings, and making sure the kids get tucked in at night. Big help, since the baby's nursing so frequently that it's hard for me to even get diapers in the wash, and that only takes a few minutes.
I got a sleepywrap yesterday. It's a stretchy tshirt-like material that wraps aroud your body and holds the baby snug against your chest. I LOVE THIS THING!!! It's really amazing. I can't wait to start taking walks around the neighborhood again, with the sleepywrap it is going to be much easier than I had previously envisioned.

Well, the babe's stirring, and there is a basket of unfolded diapers that need attention. I'll start posting regularly again soon, I promise. :o)