So I decided to set up a blog. I suppose it's kind of like a journal- only I'll actually put stuff in this one.
Intro Time!!
My name is Crystal and I have 2 beautiful, wacky hooligans named :
Wesley - 7
Morrigan-3 (Rhymes with Oregon)
And any day now ( Please God, Please God) We'll be meeting out new LO, Evelyn.Getting a little antsy, even though I'm too humongous to move off the couch, and too tired to go far when I do.
My fiance, Tod; The Photography Store Operator Extraordinaire, Chef of Excellent Salmon Dishes (the only thing he's ever cooked for me- yum yum) , and All around Super Hero Dad, is installing a second bathroom as we speak- er- type!
I'm super excited.
You don't know how hard it is in the mornings with 4 people trying to get ready at the same time with only one bathroom. NOT WORKING.
Especially with this 40lbs of hormonally unstable, needing to pee every 5 minutes, ball of baby that is my abdominal cavity.
So- in goes the new bathroom today. As it's such a huge job- it will be unfinished, but thoroughly functional.
I suppose for now I should go. Gonna get the toddler dressed for a nice long walk to see a man about cervical effacement.
Yay, I love blogging! I am really, REALLY bad at keeping them going, but I love to read (and occasionally add to) good ones!