So today, out of desperation, I decided to walk the city of Lakewood. I drove to the store, left my car and suited up with my girl for a nice long walk.
I meant for it to be slow and steady. You know the type of ambling stroll you sometimes see little old ladies in the grocery store taking in the middle of the aisles? That kind of slow and steady.
I stopped @ one of my favorite coffee shops, made nice with the barista, and ordered a small americano. We made our way to the goodwill and checked to see if there were any great deals going on. (I only found a tube of tennis balls for drying my cloth diapers for $.50)
Then my ex-husband called and said he was waiting for me to get home so he could drop of my son from their weekend together.
Oh snap- Well, there's no time to get the car, so off to the casa we go. Halfway there I'm racked by really bad cramps. No.... not contractions..... Cramps.
Man! They hurt like Crazy! People at the bus stop are watching me with concern, trying to decide if I'm in labor and need assistance, or if I'm Nuts and they should run away as fast as possible.
I made it home after much groaning, huffing and puffing and am now sitting on my couch, shoulders slumped in defeat. My abdomen is sore and tender, but not contracting, and my back hurts.
I had hoped to have this baby by tomorrow, so I could be at home for Christmas.
I have an OB appointment tomorrow morning, so who knows; maybe I'll be dilated some more and they'll hook me up to the pitocin or hand me a cervadil or something. ( I was at a 3 on Friday)
Keep your fingers crossed! I gotta meet this LO soon, or Imma go nuts!
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